Friday, October 2, 2009


We need troops in Afghanistan, we need closure on the health care bill, unemployement is at an all time high......Where is the President?

Oh,he's in Copenhagen pitching the IOC for the Games to be in Chicago with Oprah.

That's what I'm talkin' about....Priorities baby....

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Every day on my ride home from work I would get to a corner where there were war protesters exercising there Constitutional right of assembly. Even though I thought there signs were silly(war for oil,Bush lied,people died) and predictable, I admired in some way the fact they took there time to state there viewpoints.

Since the last Presidential election, I haven't seen them. To the best of my knowledge, the war is still on, as a matter of fact, more troops have been deployed.

If any of you anti-war protesters are still out there, where are you?

Channon Christian and Christopher Newson

As the trial begins for the murderers of Channon and Christopher, keep in touch with this story for follow the complete miscarriages of justice and the proof of the fact that the hate crime law was nothing but a travesty.

“There is absolutely no proof of a hate crime,” said John Gill, special counsel to Knox County District Atty. Randy Nichols. “We know from our investigation that the people charged in this case were friends with white people, socialized with white people, dated white people. So not only is there no evidence of any racial animus, there’s evidence to the contrary.”

So the only thing you need to do is dated or even knew someone of the group of people you decide to torture and murder and "hate crime" if off the table.

If the brutality of these murders doesn't fall under hate crime, what does?

I wonder how long defenses like; "My cousin knew a Jew" or "My sister dated a black guy" will last.

Or do the libs only see, "I knew a white guy" as a proper defense?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Rights Part II

Let's take someone we know is a right and compare it to something that people think is or should be a right and we will see the silliness of this thought process.

2nd Amendment, "right to bear arms"

Now if bearing arms is a right, does that mean the Government should be providing me with arms, or does it mean Government can't interfere with my RIGHT to bear arms.

Now class, if health care is a right, does that mean Government should be providing health care, or that Government can't interfere with your RIGHT to have health care.

I think you're starting to get it.


Freedom of Speech is a right, but that doesn't mean that Government provides you with free speech, it mean they can not interfere with you exercising free speech.

Now in that context, is Health Care a right, it is in the sense that Government can't stop you from having health care, not in the sense that they have to provide it.

It's implied in the Constitution that you have the right to travel, now of course that doesn't mean that Government has to provide you with transportation, only that they will not impede you from traveling.

Of course you can all see that this is the bi product of an uninformed and ill educated group of people, including the President of the US and Congress who must have never had a civics class of even studied law as they all or most so proclaim

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Is the PSSA Too Easy?

Is the PSSA Too Easy?
New testing methods for 8th graders.

Heads or Tails

Monday, August 10, 2009

"Heart of the Assasin" by Robert Ferrigno

Release of Robert's final novel in the "Assasin" trilogy coming out 8/11 and is eagerly awaited.

I've read the first 2 twice and can't wait for the 3rd.

Check out his web site and pick up the book.

Congressional Jet Plan

It has been planned that after Health Care becoming a Constitutional Right, so too has been private jet ownership.

College educations, health care and private jet ownership are all things you can expect when you enter the USA illegally.

Come one, come all and get up to speed quickly.....

We need someone to pay the bill

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why Don't We Name Our Heroes?

Starting with Washington,Patrick Henry,Nathan Hale and too many more to name to make my point,into Grant, Lee, Sgt York and Audie Murphy.

Do you know who those people are? Correct,they are American heroes. This was back when we took pride in and heroes and gave people both a name and a face to the cause.

Now through that last years, we name the collective of heroes: NYPD NYFD after 9/11 and of "The Troops".

But what happen to putting a name and face to the cause?

A Nation without Heroes is a nation destined to fail.

Let's start naming our heroes and remembering them as the individuals they are,not the nameless faceless collective and the vapor and illusions of hero, but the true meaning of being a hero.

Do we what to go down in history as the generation with no heroes?

Starting adding to the list: Jefferson, Lincoln, and who?

Dwight Evan's Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

Dwight Evan's Favorite WAM Recipient Has Plenty of Problems

Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform

Attacking the Messengers on Health Care Reform

Friday, August 7, 2009

Ugly American

After a wonderful trip to Italy one of the things that made me originally not want to go what the story that "other countries" don't like us. Bush this, imperialism that and all the other lines that go with it.

After spending time observing people from the world in Italy, I came to the realization that the reason other coutries made not like the USA or the UK for that matter isn't because of politics or status. The reason other countries don't like America is because of Americans.

I watched people complaining that "no one speaks English" or asking "do you have American coffee?"

I know it's easy to blame politics past and present on the world's opinion of us, but if you want other countries to have a good opinion of America, act respectful when you're abroad

That simple

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Climate Change Alarmists Seek to “Educate” NEPA Taxpayers

Climate Change Alarmists Seek to “Educate” NEPA Taxpayers
So it's nice to see the government is already using the word "education" to replace the word "brainwashing"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

10 Ways to Balance the Budget Without Tax Hikes

10 Ways to Balance the Budget Without Tax Hikes

So we pressed cigarette companies because they "targeted" kids by using cute animal figures,but we can us a cute fuzzy groundhog to push lottery tickets?

$32 million spend to advertise the lottery?

How much money do they make? You'll never know and you'll never see it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Palin 2012

Sarah Palin announced her not running for re-election and turning power over to the LG of Alaska.

Love her or hate her,the left certainly hates her,which frankly,makes me like her.

The big bash from the left was "she's not too smart". I found her "down home" method of relating very refreshing and I enjoy listening to her non-telepromter speeches.

Let's remember there is a big difference between sounding smart and being smart.

"You Betcha"

Celebrating Freedom

The 233rd anniversary of Independence Day and the 146th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.

One both occasions, oppressive regimes pressed free people into action. Taxation and the 10th Amendment. Government using it people to pay it miss founded debt and overstepping expressed boundaries of the Constitution of the United States.

What will be your call to action?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

EPA Internal Report Skeptical of ‘Global Warming’

EPA Internal Report Skeptical of ‘Global Warming’

Why do you think we need to pass all the laws we can about climate change,because once the truth comes out, no one will want to.

Approval ratings and lies

This doesn't have anything to do with science, it has to do with politics.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Legacy Left on Your Dime

Dems fight over spending your money for them to leave a legacy of themselves. Waters argues with Obey over pork project to name a school after herself.

That's what being power drunk does to you, you just can't let it go. Arlen Spector changed party because he was afraid he was going to lose the Pa primary.

It must be a terrible feeling being that afraid of loosing something that is going to go away anyway.

More Mandates=More Expensive Electricity

More Mandates=More Expensive Electricity

You won't have to worry about the projected savings of $2300.00 per household by the year 2030, because you would have lived so long without electricity because of being unable to afford it that you won't even care anymore.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Special treatment for a special leader

Special treatment for a special leader

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So Reagan was the actor,Bush was the cowboy,let's face it, they're both cooler than the wannabe basketball player.

American Thinker Blog: Australia leads the way in rejecting climate change 'solutions'

American Thinker Blog: Australia leads the way in rejecting climate change 'solutions'

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Common sense from our friends "down under"

Democrats' Health Care Plan: Tax the Middle Class, Loophole for Unions

Democrats' Health Care Plan: Tax the Middle Class, Loophole for Unions

Tax people who have health care so you can provide health care for people who don't have health care.......hurm......

A Cap and Trade Call to Action

A Cap and Trade Call to Action

More pinch/crunch crisis politics. Tranparency, except for the fact that there will be no public debate of this issue.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Here we go again

Those of us who don't remember the past are going to repeat it.

So as we are on the verge of digging our way out of a financial crisis, we have Barney Frank tell Freddie and Fannie to "loosen up" lending again. This is the same move that put the country in our current situation.

Let's lend money to people who can pay it back, then when they default.....CRISIS.

I'm sure some us remember when the subprime crisis was the subprime market.

Not sure I remember the "life,liberty and our Constitutional right to own a house or condo.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Animal Spirits

So now we hear Peter Orszag read or is reading "Animal Spirits" a 30's economic journal created during the real "Great Depression".

Quick synopis:British guy,Russian wife looking for a medium between communism and capitalism. We start thinking that maybe people and what THEY think has something to do with what they spend or don't spend.


So maybe telling people it was the next Great Depression and not to use public transportation WASN'T going to help the economy.

Whoda thunk?

It has happened,we've been dumbing down America and these are are leaders.

I want a cupcake.......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Bipartisian Paranoia

The right thinks the threat is from the outside, the left thinks it's from the inside.

Right---Axis of Evil
Left----Homeland Milita Groups

Always been that way and will already continue.

Zen enlightenment is like searching for your keys to find out they were in your pocket all along.

Become enlightened to these people.

No Hope, No Change here, Just S.S.D.P.

One side looks for WMD's overseas, The other side kills kids in Waco Tx and kills Randy Weaver's family in Ruby Ridge Idaho

Both sides always see a threat, just that one side sees it outside and the other on the inside.

The reason they do is because it's just a reason to get your money.

Wake Up

CIA Techniques-Past and Present

As another round of politics as usual, we see the Obama Administration going back and forth on CIA information extraction techniques and who to "blame" and who to arrest.

I guess the part that we've forgotten is that the methods used aren't new and if you were to peer into the past, the "playbook" used by CIA has been around since the 60's and every President since then has closed one eye to there methods.

Chemical and Germ warfare used on our own troops and allies, brainwashing of mental patients. Does anyone really want to get into this? Because if we do, it's going to cover PLENTY of people, past and present.

The disappointing part is, politics as usual. No Hope, No Change here. Just S.S.D.P.